"You were so close... It came down to you and one other, but unfortunately it hasn't gone your way this time..."
Let's face it. Nobody ever wants to hear that line from their consultant or prospective employer, let alone for the third or fourth time in as many weeks. So what is going wrong and how do you fix it?
Rejection is one of those unwelcome feelings that remains an ever-present aspect of any working life, be it that first step on the ladder or that career-making opportunity that could propel you to the summit of your ambitions.
Ironically it is rejection, or rather the manner in which an individual deals with it, that usually proves to be the difference between another second placed finish, and acquiring the job of your dreams.
So how do you regain that confidence? How do you turn it around and take on that next interview?
Here are a few basic things to remember:
- Do not take it personally
It could have been anything. From a question mark over whether you would fit into that particular team, to the interviewer simply looking for a completely different type of candidate on the day. There are no right or wrong answers, but what we do know is that this time around, it just wasn't right. Take the constructive points and move on to the next opportunity with a fresh approach. Do not let a previous rejection affect you in your next interview.
- Start from scratch
So you didn't nail that last interview. Step back, consolidate and rebuild. It certainly wasn't the end of the world because here you are being invited to interview for another excellent company holding even better prospects. Use the feedback you were given to fine-tune the areas you could have improved on last time around and develop new angles of attack.
- P.M.A - Positive Mental Attitude!
It's a new day! This company has screened hundreds of CV's over the last few weeks, and YOU have been selected for interview along with a handful of others. You have been selected on your own competencies and achievements so this in itself should fill you with confidence! There are no negative connotations that go with securing an interview for any company, so take the compliment, grab your CV and refresh your memory with all of the things that make you such an excellent candidate for the job!
- Fail to prepare.. Prepare to fail
Preparation is key. You can never do too much research. Research the company, the interviewers, the department your role is situated within and whilst job specifications tend to be generic - every little helps! You are not only preparing yourself for an interview, but arming yourself with all the necessary information required for you to make an informed decision on whether this role is right for you. Remember interviews are a two-way street!
Hopefully these pointers will help anyone looking to pick themselves up after being told they didn't quite make the grade. Resilience is a highly rated quality and one which employers come to expect to find in a successful candidate when recruiting for any demanding position.
In 2009 Brian Acton applied for a job with Facebook, he was rejected.
That same year he developed Whatsapp.
In 2014 Facebook bought Whatsapp for $19 Billion.
Rejection affects all of us throughout our careers. If you use it constructively and allow it to fuel you in the right direction - anything is possible!